Saturday, October 31, 2015


9:37 pm. Where has the time gone? 5 hours until go time, and 9 travelers will gather our 22 suitcases, 9 carry-ons and 9 personal bags. A year has past, and what a year it has been. The infirmary called on Dec. 30th, and it was my name that was called. But through sickness, death, and other unmentionable changes, God has moved His ministry in Haiti forward. While my pen has been slack and lax, the tireless efforts of many have forged ahead. In the coming days in country I will try to bring as much information forward as due diligence will allow. At moments this year I wondered if this moment would arrive for me again. It has, and we are going back into the time ravaged culture and country of Haiti to see our beloved friends, to labor to bring tokens of hope and help where we can, and to see the work multiplied by the master of the loaves and fishes! Krystle has been ahead of us in country for 2 weeks, and has found plenty of struggle with technology, heat, and the setbacks that the culture imposes by virtue of communication and understanding of this thing we call life. As we set out on this venture with some veterans and a couple new timers, a certain excitement crackles in the air. Expectations, hope, and love are brimming as we look to load our goods and shuttle our cargo south. What tomorrow may bring is always a tricky question, and more so when it includes a submersion into a different culture, but tomorrow will bring whatever God intends, and we intend to be there for it! I must apologize for a quiet year, but the silence is broken, and the veil has lifted for now, so into the blue we go to carry the banner of the One who has called us. To serve and to share, to sow and to water, dear Haiti, here we come once more. Blessings to all!

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