This is a memorable day for our Haiti family and Robinson. The orphanage is now open with children in it's beds! They arrived last night, were fed, and tucked happily into bed. They awoke this morning to a story, devotions, singing, and a meeting with the director! He shared with them at the table a few rules, one being the boys are not allowed in the girls room and the girls are not allowed in the boys room. No exceptions! Funny, some things are the same in every culture. The kids are doing really well, and we are very excited for them. Robinson said they are very happy to be at the orphanage which means a lot to him. When he was six and dropped at the orphanage, he was not given a chance to discuss whether he would be happy there, while he went to the bathroom, his uncle left, and when he came out, his life was immediately and totally changed. I think he feels it is important not exactly that the children have full say in what happens to them, but that they at least have time to process the changes coming, after all, most of them have already undergone more tragedy than any child should have to face, and have had no chance to deal with the pain and loss that has been dealt them. We are thrilled tonight to be able to report this tremendous event. God has been very good, and many have come alongside to bring this amazing dream to fruition from one orphaned generation to the next! What incredible potential, what great accomplishments will flow from this wonderful work. Blessings tonight from grateful hearts!