Saturday, April 25, 2009

Special Announcement

The Haiti Team will be doing a special presentation at the Traverse Bay United Methodist Church Sunday evening April 26th at 5:30 p.m. All members of our recent trip will be sharing impacts this trip had on them, things we did, and future vision. We welcome you to come and share with us. There will be pictures as well as opportunity to interact with the team members as well. We are anticipating a great time! I know this blog is read on a very wide spectrum of landscape, so not all will be able to join us. However, I will continue to post up more info and will continue sharing perspectives and progress on a weekly basis. Truth be told, I have run a pretty harrowing schedule since our return, and have taken just a little writing break while trying to get some other aspects of this ministry in place. More on that later! We persist in forging ahead in seeing what God has in store for Saint-Marc, and Haiti as a whole. God is on the move, and we are excited to be partaking in this opportunity He has set before us. We are airborne in our continuing adventure. This picture captures the sentiments of my heart with it's promise of great hope, many return trips, and seismic accomplishments in reaching the perishing! Blessings!

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