Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Open House (Karen's Post)

Blessings to you from your Haiti team.

Wow! Amazing! Challenging! Heart wrenching! Inspiring! Unbelievable! That cannot begin to describe our time here in Haiti. As we circled together this morning to pray, Pastor Doyle shared from Isaiah 57:14 “Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.” With one day and counting, that is our goal. God continues to remind me to come alongside his people and walk, work, pray and cry with them. And they will know we are Christians by our Love. So we organize and put everything in place so that when we leave, they can continue side by side, moving forward the kingdom of God.

We will pray without ceasing, and in all honesty I find that a whole lot easier here than back home. It gives a whole new meaning to clutter in a spiritual sense. I challenge you to un-clutter and keep your spiritual focus. Focus on the eternal perspective. Autumn and Krystle were sharing things they found in their suitcases. Autumn found a battery charger, and Krystle laughed and said “that’s nothing, I found an orange electrical cord in mine.” Every time I think that this is only for a week, I’m reminded that their week is a lifetime. “I Can Only Imagine” is playing in the background. And I can only imagine that their hope will someday be seen in eternity. If we can be the hands and feet of Christ in helping even one more Haitian experience the Golden Streets of Heaven, our time here has been worth every second.

Doyle and Beth from our first meeting overflowed with their love for the Haitian people. In talking with the team, we could not help but be excited to go and be a part of this team. I guess that you could say they are contagious. God’s Love continues to gush from their souls over onto their team. Doyle’s positive attitude and patience stood out even in the midst of challenge and adversity, fatigue and pressure. Beth’s love and sensitivity was evidenced at all times for every child and team member. We laugh and say, “find her a house and a hundred hungry kids (or more) and we’ll have an instant orphanage in Saint-Marc.” They have bridged the gap for us and many others from Michigan to Haiti. Thank you for all you have done and all you have given in all areas of your life.

Robinson, as you may know, grew up as an orphan on streets of Haiti and made the statement that if he ever had a house of his own, he would open it to everyone. He and Naromie have opened their house and their hearts to our team and to the community. He displays wisdom and discernment far beyond his years as well as a love for God and all humanity which stands out among the nations. Rob Rob has shared with us his laughter and joy, his friendly nature, and his soccer playing abilities. Don’t forget he has a unique way of rousing people in the morning. He is the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in this community with a ready smile. He has a constant concern for our well-being and a love that has warmed our hearts for a lifetime.

Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens. Pastor Haiti and Pastor America have demonstrated both in countless ways and a multitude of times.


Rebecca said...

OH Karen my thoughts and prayers go out to you all (Lauren too give her a big hug and a kiss from me)as your final day approaches. I have so much enjoyed reading the post's daily and feel like I am there with you in spirit. I hope you come back with the love and joy that we did when we came back from Haiti last year. I still can't wait to get back there some day. 10 days and it changes your life forever. You all have touched more lives than you realize. I am so happy your family was able to experience this and take our precious Lauren with you. Peace and prayers on your travel back to the US. Love Rebecca

Aunt Cathy said...

I love the song, "I Can Only Imagine." As I read your posts, I can only imagine the lives that have been touched by this trip - not only those of the Haitian community, but those on the team as well. I pray that everyone has experienced a spiritual growth that will continue to live in their lives and the lives of those they come in contact with everyday. God be with you in these last moments of an incredible journey. Safe travels on your return home.

Love, Cathy Weber

Sandy said...

To our Haiti Team...
I am praying for:
running wells,
flowing waters,
cemented memories,
brave good-byes,
joy on the mountaintop,
peace in the valley,
safe travels,
rest for your souls,
a large box of Kleenex,
and someone to hug you when you get home...
(Hi, Lauren...I am so proud of you...)
Love, Sandy

dspachman said...


It sounds like you have another message to share with your family at Keswick! I know that God will continue to bless you all as you say "Goodbye" and prepare to return to "real life." I know that you have been experiencing more "real life" in the past week than you have in a long time. We look forward to celebrating real life in Jesus with you and learning with you when you return. May God grant you safe travel back to your Michigan homes. See you soon.

Pastor Don

Lynn G. said...

WOW - amazing post! Brought tears to my eyes. Love that "Pastor Haiti and Pastor America". LOVE it. Great job to all of you. And I say "ditto" to Sandy's post...I couldn't have said it better.
Mom and Dad - I love you and can't wait to hear the stories. I'll bet I'll be able to keep Dad on the phone for a while this week. Hugs, kisses, prayers and much love. I'm so proud of all of you. xoxo