Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Here we are in Detroit. 5 minutes from the Metro Airport. Seven hours to arrival. Another short night! But oh well. What's another late night in the long history of late nights in our culture of 'open 24 hours a day'! We have made it safely here. Another miracle of grace. It's funny how certain circumstances in our lives sharpen our focus and clear our perspective. I have always said don't take tomorrow for granted, but somehow today it has a different ring!
So I named this blog confession. Here's my quandary. How does a 'man of faith' find himself looking into the mirror seeing disbelief. We pray "Lord increase our faith," and then we grumble when He kicks out our supports and says fly! I must confess I am staggered at the way this trip has come together. For me, the timing was wrong, the finances not enough, the circumstances unpredictable (when are they not?!) and I found myself with feeble knees. But tonight I fly. Pray I soar. That we soar together as a family together over the next few days. I know our strength will fail us, we will stare death in the face, fear will fence with us, and yet GOD! He has never left us nor forsaken us, of this I am sure. So Lord let me get the lenses of my faith adjusted and cleaned, may we march in the confidence of the God we love and serve. And may the impact of this seven day adventure blaze a path into glory for souls that have not found you yet. May our arms of faith be strengthen, so that we might long and steadfastly prevail. To crash against the prison walls of hell itself and prevail!! Not in the might of men, but in the mighty power of our God.
This is a great journey, never be sidetracked by the tendency to 'RUT' living, let us live for God and Him alone. The game of life is on, let us prevail for our King.
The bins barely fit in the Suburban. For those of you against SUV's, I'm sorry. I was grateful for our bus tonight! (10 bins, 520lbs.) The price of gas is down well over a dollar a gallon. How amazing is that. You see, even when our timing is off (yes I said OUR timing) God's never is. I think our church family that has worked so hard and long to stand behind this tremendous young man Robinson and our CCC family in Haiti will long rejoice over the accomplishments God will bring to pass through our faithful endeavor. The long hours, the pockets of change, the pop can drive, the yard sales. It all is bearing great fruit. God help us to prevail. I firmly beleive that as we bless these struggling people, we do open God's floodgates to bless us. May God bless you all tonight.
My confession is over, now to conquer my pillow! Good night!

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