Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We are in the air finally. The airport transaction this morning went very smooth. All the bins checked through with no problems. Airport security let us pass with no difficulties either. Our largest challenge was that we were dropped off at the opposite end of the terminal from where AA’s desk was. Some kind angel lady came out with a cart at 4:15 in the a.m. and asked if we would like some help? The best $20.00 I ever gave away. It took everything she, Kelly and I could do to get it from one end of the terminal to the other. That was rude after just 3 hours of sleep. What a way to wake up. But once there, all else smoothed out and we were able to get right through. We were in the secure area in less than ½ hour. Now we are in the air and it is a beautiful morning. We just went over Knoxville at 39,000 feet. Our flight is as smooth as glass. We are catching a few winks before Miami. We will have a layover of 4 hours. That should be wonderful. I wonder if I could find a bed?
I will call Robinson from Miami, and hopefully my phone will work to give him a quick heads up when we are ready to leave the terminal at Port Au Prince. I will try to post later when we arrive at St. Marc. We probably won’t get there until supper time. It will depend on how long it takes with customs and traveling conditions. I know there is a bridge out between Port and St. Marc, but Rob said the bypass is short. Just pray the tent gets there on time. God’s time, that is! Blessings to all!

1 comment:

Gallo Family said...

Will be looking forward to hearing you have safely arrived! You are on my mind more prominately today! Love you all! Alisa